Join MotorWeek Host John Davis for the #AskMWCrew Live Tiwtter Chat
April 1, 2014
Join MotorWeek host John Davis as he takes over our twitter account, along with the other members of the MotorWeek Crew, for #AskMWCrew our live Twitter chat. #AskMWCrew is a forum created so that our viewers have the opportunity to chat directly with the MotorWeek staff using the hashtag #AskMWCrew. This Wednesday at 12:00PM EST our followers will be able to connect with John Davis and of our amazing MotorWeek Crew members by asking a question using the using hashtag #AskMWCrew. The MotorWeek Crew member will then respond at random also using the hashtag. To follow along click the hashtag #AskMWCrew and join in on the fun. This Wednesday April 2, our MotorWeek Crew will discuss some of their most memorable behind the scenes moments.