Hitch Ratings
Here’s another great idea gone wrong. See, these carriers, well they work really well to carry things on the outside of the vehicle. You can add a lot of carrying capacity to just about anything.
But, if you look at this one, it’s almost dragging the ground—now, why? Well, that’s because the person with the vehicle didn’t do proper planning. You see, the hitch that’s on the vehicle-- they added that so that they could use one of these carriers-- it is a Class One. The carrier has a larger Class Three fitment on the front of it, so in order to put the two things together, you have to have an adapter. That means that there’s space in there, and that space allows the, uh, carrier to droop like we see here. Plus, because it’s extended out, it puts more weight on the back of the vehicle, again changing the way it sits, and it drops down like this.
Proper planning: know what you’re going to tow, then match the towing equipment to it. Now, the most popular is going to be a Class Three, that’s this one right her...uh, they go all the way up to a Class Five. This is for 21,000 pounds right here. So, you have to match that. You also have to match the height of your vehicle because these come in different configurations as far as the amount of drop down to the trailer. You have to know the tongue weight of the trailer, so you get the right equipment there.
And, if you have multiple trailers with different sized balls or something like that, here is one that has all of those mounted right to it. Plus it has a hook that you can use for recovery work or maybe you have to haul some brush or wood around the house, it works well for that-- put a chain on it and away you go.